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Team Professor Mädche
Professor and Chairperson
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Prof. Dr. +49 721 608-41580 alexander maedche does-not-exist.kit edu

Administration, Organisation and IT
Name Function Phone E-Mail
Operating Officer +49 721 608-48376 jan hoeffer does-not-exist.kit edu
Office Management +49 721 608-41585 office-ise does-not-exist.iism kit edu
Office Management +49 721 608-48370 office-ise does-not-exist.iism kit edu
Trainee Office Management +49 721 608-48390 office-ise does-not-exist.iism kit edu
Partner & Public Relationship Management +49 (721) 608-44613 julia schell does-not-exist.kit edu
IT Officer +49 721 608-48379 jadon herrmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Trainee IT +49 721 608-48379 pascal makowski does-not-exist.kit edu
Trainee IT +49 721 608-48379 felix andres does-not-exist.kit edu

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Dr. +49 721 608-41587 stefan morana does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. +49 721 608-41584 mario nadj does-not-exist.kit edu

Research Assistants
Name Title Phone E-Mail
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41586 dominik augenstein does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41589 ivo benke does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-48380 jasper feine does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41586 christian fleig does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41581 ulrich gnewuch does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41583 xuanhui liu does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41586 nico loewe does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41586 tim rietz does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41587 sven scheu does-not-exist.kit edu
M. Sc. +49 721 608-41582 peyman toreini does-not-exist.kit edu

Junior Researchers
Name Title Phone E-Mail
B.Sc.   maximilian li does-not-exist.student kit edu
B.Sc. +49 721 608-41582 moritz langner does-not-exist.student kit edu
B.Sc.   merlin knaeble does-not-exist.partner kit edu

Associated Research Assistants
Name Title Phone E-Mail
M.Sc. +49 721 608-41583 miguel martinez does-not-exist.kit edu
M.Sc. +49 721 608-41583 raphael rissler does-not-exist.kit edu

Associated Researchers