Digital Service Design

  • Type: Vorlesung (V)
  • Semester: WS 19/20
  • Time:

    09:00 - 17:00
    01.85 KD2Lab

    09:00 - 17:00
    01.85 KD2Lab

    09:00 - 13:00
    01.85 KD2Lab

  • Lecturer:

    Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche
    Sven Scheu

  • SWS: 2
  • Lv-No.: 2540420

Syllabus Lecture: Digital Service Design

Course Description
The digital world witnesses a shift in the relations between companies and customers from product-centric one time transactions towards ongoing relationships in which customers engage continuously folllowing a service-centric consumption model. Digital services represent a specific category of services and make extensive use of modern information & communication technologies. Designing services is different from designing products. In contrast to products being discrete and tangible objects, services are co-created emphasizing a tight interconnection of service providers and consumers. Furthermore, the collection and analysis of data plays a central role in continuously improving the services. Due to these characteristics, designing digital services comes with many challenges.

The IT industry has established a broad spectrum of innovative methods, techniques, and tools for effective digital service design. This covers various facets such as user-centered design, agile software development, as well as a tight integration of development and operations following the DevOps paradigm. Today, these approaches are increasingly adopted beyond the IT industry in order to successfully deliver digital services. Thus, it is becoming critical to understand these concepts and be able to apply them.

Course Objectives
The aim of this course is to introduce key concepts and principles as well as state-of-the-art methods, techniques and tools of modern digital service design. We look at digital service design from an end-to-end perspective, covering the key phases of discovery, design, development, and operations. The lecture is complemented with a capstone project, where students apply the knowledge from the lecture in order to design a data-driven digital service by themselves. The capstone project is hands-on, students are expected to use state-of-the-art tools and technologies as introduced during the lecture.

When students have successfully completed this course, they should be able to:

  • describe key concepts and principles of digital service design  
  • explain and apply digital service design methods, techniques, and tools
  • create and construct a digital service using state-of-the-art technologies in a team

Course Requirements

The course is offered by the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) at the Department of Economics and Management of KIT. It is designed for master students in industrial engineering & management as well as information systems. Students from other disciplines (e.g. computer science, mechanical engineering) are also invited to participate.

The course has two grading components: Exam (60%) and Capstone Project (40%). First, there will be a 60 minutes closed-book / closed-notes exam consisting of short-answer and analytical questions. Second, teams work in a capstone project on a real-world problem provided by an practice partner and deliver a presentation as well as a document. Both grading components need to be passed (grade 4.0 or better). A fail in either the exam or the capstone project results in a fail of the entire course. There is no retake possibility for the capstone project. Thus, if you fail the capstone project, you need to retake the entire course in the upcoming year.

Registration and Organization
Please register via the learning platform ILIAS to the course. For specific dates and location of the lecture, please check the Website or portal. All questions regarding content, organization, and certificates are answered by the responsible single point of contact for the lecture as documented on the research group Website.

Course Materials
Course material is provided in the form of a presentation slide deck with further references to books and publications.

Course Outline
The course is organized in two blocks: First, we offer a block lecture (2 days at the beginning of the semester) in order to introduce the key conceps and principles of digital service design and corresponding methods, techniques, and tools. Second, we ask students to apply the knowledge as part of the capstone project. The capstone project ends with a final presentation at the end of the semester.


Description Time

Block Lecture Day 1

  • Concepts and Principles
  • Digital Service Design Principles, Methods and Techniques

Day 1 (October 21)

Block Lecture Day 2

  • Digital Service Design Tools & Technologies
    (ServiceDesignKIT, JIRA, Adobe XD, Gitlab, Kybernetes/Docker, Python, …)
  • Capstone Project Introduction / Team Assignment

Day 2 (October 22)

Deliverable I
  • User Research Results
  • Epics

Deliverable II

  • User Stories
  • UI Prototype

Final Deliverable & Result Presentation

  • Running Prototype
  • Result documentation
  • ScreenCam of Prototype
Half-Day (January 21)

Contact: Sven Scheu