Interviews and Presentations
#DigitalMindsKA – the people behind – Interview with Prof. Mädche
WDR Youtube Quarks Channel reports on Flow Research
Eye-based Interactive Systems meet Media Art - Interview with ZKM (Center of Art and Media) about eye tracking and Digilog project outcomes
„Mehr als nur Programmieren“ - Eine KI-Werkstatt am KIT bildet Studierende für praktische Anwendungen von künstlicher Intelligenz aus. - Campus-Report am 21.12.2021
Project Kern Final Conference, May 18th 2021
AI-based Competence Assistance Systems – A Conpetence Bot, June 16th 2021
Digiloglounge Digital | Experimentalforschung mit Bürger:innen
Towards Human-Centered AI - Designing Interactive Intelligent Systems - Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche
ITAS-Kolloquium mit Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche zum Design physioadaptiver Systeme
Erste-Hilfe-Kit für Verteiltes Arbeiten und Homeoffice des Kompetenzzentrum Usability und IIISM
Ivo Benke, project coordinator of the Kompetenzzentrum Usability at the IISM, was interviewed for the SWR Landesschau about Homeoffice and Remote Work. In the following 4-minute video, he reflects about potential disruptions while working at home.
The project Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Usability is funded by the Federal Ministry of federal ministry for economic affairs and energy within the framework of Mittelstand 4.0. Further information on the project and the initiative can be found here:
Prof. Maedche receives KIT Faculty Teaching Award
Video made by
Studying Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) at KIT (in German)
Interview Research Project Kern - AI-based Competence Assistance Systems
Professor Dr. Alexander Mädche, project leader of the Kern project, discusses the vision of the Kern project in an interview conducted by the Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA). In the following 3-minute video, questions about the project's experimental space are answered in addition to the goals of the project.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs within the framework of INQA. Further information on the funding and the initiative can be found here:
Studying Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) at KIT (in German)
UX Day 2018 - Social Cues in the Human-Chatbot Interaction (in German)
Our research group presented the concept of designing chatbots with social cues at the UX Day 2018 in Mannheim. We illustrate our findings from several lab experiments and demonstrated our showcase chatbot „Massimo“.
Interview in the "BNN" on the Need for More Human Technology
In an interview for the series "Digitale Köpfe in der Region" of the Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN), Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche called for more human technology.
In this, he argues that apps need to be designed more human in order to cause positive emotions and experiences on the user side rather than social pressure, time pressure, and interruptions. Greater transparency of applications for data use and greater user autonomy in deciding on the use of data, for example, could contribute to this development.
The entire interview can be accessed here.
Interview "Digitaler Wilder Westen"
For the customer magazine of Liebich & Partner, Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche was interviewed about about people and information technology (IT) in a highly dynamic world.
He highlights the importance of asking "What do I want?" when talking about digitalization - especially in companies. As digital innovations are manifold and constantly advancing the goals of a company as well as the needs of the customers should play an important role in harmonizing people and IT.
The entire interview can be accessed here or downladed as PDF.
Talk "Smart Service Design: Mensch und Technik in Einklang bringen"
In the first part of their Smarter Service Talks series Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche gave an interview to the online blog about Smart Service Design.
He talked about the research foci of our research group and why services should be intelligent from an socio-technical point of view in order to help people coping with the ubiquitous complexity of various existing sytstems. What are smart services? What does services actually make smart and which role do users play in this respect? While giving insights on methods, skills, challenges but also opportunites adressing the topic of smart sercvice design, you can additionally learn what we offer to students within our education concepts.
The article to the interview and more detailed information can be found here.