The human-centered systems lab (h-lab) headed by Prof. Maedche (research group “Information Systems I”) offers a comprehensive teaching program empowering students to design human-centered systems for better work & life. We offer lectures on the bachelor, master, and PhD level primarily targeting students from the field of Industrial Engineering & Management, Information Systems, and Computer Science. We also welcome students from other programs.
Our teaching offerings are tailored for students interested in Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction. Following our research focus, we specifically emphasize designing human-centered systems for business and society. Our teaching offerings balance theory and practice by introducing the state-of-the-art theoretical and methodological concepts in combination with practice-oriented aspects of designing human-centered systems for better work & life.
Here you find further information about our research activities, incl.
- Teaching Offerings (overview, current semester, and archive)
- Thesis & Practical Seminar Projects
- Credit Approval
- Evaluation Results
- Templates
In case you have any questions feel free to contact our team using the following email: education-h-lab∂iism.kit.edu