22nd SAP Academic Conference EMEA in Karlsruhe

  • Date: 23.06.2017


About the event

The SAP Academic Conference EMEA is the annual conference for member faculty from all over Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The event brings together 300+ leading professors and industry partners to discuss new topics in education and research with SAP software in universities and higher educational institutions. It provides a tremendous opportunity for faculty to exchange ideas and share experiences with colleagues in a wide range of discussion forums and to form valuable networking contacts for future curricula and research development.

The 22nd SAP Academic Conference EMEA will focus on SAP Leonardo, SAP’s digital innovation system which integrates breakthrough technologies such as IoT, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Analytics and runs them seamlessly in the cloud.

This year’s event will take place from Monday, September 11, to Friday, September 15, at KIT, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany. Several keynotes and presentations will be held with regard to new and existing projects and break-out sessions will further deep dive into the different areas.