Senacor Case Challenge 2018

  • Date: 12.12.2017

Case Challenge: "Connected Vehicle – Kernhandlungsfeld der Digitalisierung"



In 2018, our industry partner Senacor will again organize a case challenge for all interested students of the 5th or higher semester. This time, the event will take place in Lüneburg during the MKWI conference (Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik).

From 6th to 8th of March, the invited students will get one case to solve within two days by engaging into the work of an IT consultant at Senacor.

At the end of the event, all teams will present their results to a jury, consisting of Senacor partners and professors, and the three winners will be awarded with prices up to 5000 Euro.


Here the important information in a nutshell:

- When?: 6th to 8th of March, 2018 in Lüneburg (your travel costs will be refunded)

- What?: All teams will present their results to a jury, consisting of Senacor partners and professors

- The Case?: "Connected Vehicle – Kernhandlungsfeld der Digitalisierung"

- Application?: Online by uploading your CV and transcript of records until 14th of February, 2018 here


More detailed information can be found in the Flyer.