Participation at SAP UX Day
- Date: 26.02.2019
The Research Group ISSD (Prof. Mädche) of the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) presented contemporary research at a dedicated booth at the SAP UX Day ( The SAP UX Day is organized by SAP once a year and took place on February 19th 2019 at ZKM. The SAP UX Day is an SAP-internal event, selected parterns and customers are invited. The event attracted approx. 800 participants. Research activities of the research group in the following areas were presented:
- Interactive Machine Learning for Physiological Computing (Miguel Martinez)
- Attentive Dashboards (Moritz Langner)
- Socially-adaptive Chatbots (Jasper Feine)
Beyond these research topics, we also presented our ongoing activities in the Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Usability (Ivo Benke).