New Project: MeKIDI examines humane process digitalization in the energy sector
- Date: 10.12.2020
AI-based technologies have shown great potential in achieving process automation and optimization for energy suppliers, but pose enormous challenges for organizations and their employees. A key challenge therefore is to provide and evaluate a human-centric way of introducing AI-based technologies into business processes. This is the goal of project MeKIDI (“Menschengerechte KI-basierte Prozessdigitalisierung in der Energiewirtschaft” / Humane AI-based process digitalization in the energy industry), which recently started: MeKIDI aims at developing and evaluating humane solution approaches for the implementation of AI-Technologies in the energy sector, taking both sustainable corporate goals and the interest of employees into account.
The project is coordinated by the research group ISSD, project partners are hsag Heidelberger Services AG, Soluvia Energy Systems GmbH, Stadtwerke Bretten GmbH and World of VR GmbH. All participants had already held a kickoff meeting at the end of October. Virtually, but highly interactive, goals and expectations were discussed, and first activities defined.
MeKIDI will run for two years and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as part of INQA (“Initiative neue Qualität der Arbeit”/ New Quality of Work Initiative).
For more information on MeKIDI, read the current press release
or visit MeKIDI.For more information on the research group Information Systems & Service Design, visit us here.