Eye-based_Cooperation_OpenPhDPos News Cover

Open PhD Position at KD2School: Eye-based Coordination in Virtual Teams

  • Date: 14.07.2021
  • The importance of virtual team work increased rapidly during the last years. Without face-to-face interactions, coordinating on joint activities can be more difficult because the non-verbal cues are missing. Visual cues, such as mutual gaze or joint attention might play a critical role in coordination. Eye tracking technology allows to share gaze information in real-time and might help to overcome coordination failures and establish efficient outcomes. This PhD project will investigate eye-based coordination in virtual teams using state-of-the art eye-tracking technology. The project will be interdisciplinary and combine insights from economics, management, information systems, and human computer interaction. The PhD project builds upon existing research of the involved research groups in the fields of eye-based interactive systems and human resource management.


    The DFG-funded KD2School focuses on the design of adaptive systems supporting economic decision-making.  We offer a 100% position starting from October 2021 or later. You will be part of the KD2School and receive an individually tailored intertdisciplinary program to train your skills. The position comes without a teaching obligation and is initially limited to three years.  You will be integrated in the groups of both supervisors and benefit from their large international network. As an active part of the research groups, you will work on your PhD project and participate in the corresponding activities


    Your Profile:

    • Qualifed Master’s degree or be near the completion of the degree in industrial engineering & management, economics,  information systems, computer science, or a related field
    • Interest and/or experience in working with eye tracking technology
    • Interest and/or experience in prototyping interactive systems as well as conducting experimental studies in the KD2lab
    • Interest and/or experience in economic concepts of team work and coordination
    • Interest and/or experience in programming in C# , Python, R
    • Excellent command of written and spoken English, command of German is an asset



    Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Petra Nieken (petra.nieken@kit.edu), Prof. Dr. Alexander Maedche (alexander.maedche@kit.edu), or Dr. Peyman Toreini (peyman.toreini@kit.edu). The application process is described on https://www.kd2school.info/apply.html.


    Review of applications will start on July 28th 2021and will continue until the position is filled. KIT is pursuing a gender equality policy. We would therefore particularly encourage qualified women to apply. If qualified, handicapped applicants will be preferred.