Usability in Germany Conference 2021 „How to practice UX in medium-sized businesses sector“

Usability in Germany Conference 2021 „How to practice UX in medium-sized businesses sector“

  • Date: 06.10.2021
  • The virtual “Usability in Germany” (UIG) conference took place on 23.09.2021 under the motto " How to practice UX in medium-sized businesses sector " with and for over 250 UX experts and SME representatives from science and practice.


    The importance of a consequent digitalization of the economy and society has been clearly demonstrated by the pandemic situation in 2020. With digitalization, the importance of usability and user experience (UUX) is also increasing, because digital technologies must be usable and enable positive user experiences in order to develop their full potential. Prof. Dr. Marc Hassenzahl offered interesting insights into how well-being is created in everyday life and how technology can be designed to be well-being-oriented. In another presentation, Stefan Vosskötter outlined how user experience has evolved over the last 25 years. In many other short impulse presentations, insights into current UX problems, methods, as well as new UX trends were offered. Between the sessions, the experts had a vivid exchange in dedicated virtual networking rooms. After the UIG conference, a physical get-together took place at the Karlsruhe Decision & Design Lab (KD²Lab). 25 UIG members and UX experts from Karlsruhe and the surrounding area were invited to get to know each other and network in a personal setting. With cool drinks, current UX research projects and results of the ISSD Group were presented and a guided tour through the KD²Lab with its more than 40 lab cabins for experimental research was offered.