New Publication in IJHCS: The Impact of Video Meeting Systems on Psychological User States: A   State-of-the-Art Review

New Publication in IJHCS: The Impact of Video Meeting Systems on Psychological User States: A State-of-the-Art Review

  • Date: 07.11.2023
  • The International Journal of Human - Computer Studies (IJHCS) has accepted the paper The Impact of Video Meeting Systems on Psychological User States: A 

    State-of-the-Art Review” co-authored by Julia Seitz, Ivo Benke, Armin Heinzl and Alexander Maedche for publication.  In this study, we review and conceptualize findings from 78 

    quantitative studies and describe the results in a morphological box. We identified a focus on examining the overall 

    systems’ impact on the user states of attention, awareness, and negative emotions. The research has been performed as part of the DFG-funded KD2School. Further information is available here: