HMD Best Paper Award 2015
Silvia Schacht, Anton Reindl, Stefan Morana, and Prof. Alexander Mädche being members of the Institute for Information Systems and Service Design (IISD) will be awarded with the HMD Best Paper Award at this year’s “Multikonferenz für Wirtschaftsinformatik” (MKWI 2015) in Ilmenau. The article “Projekterfahrungen spielend einfach mit der ProjectWorld! Ein gamifiziertes Projektwissensmanagementsystem” is one of three articles that were selected as best of all articles published in the journal “HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik” in 2015. The article presents the design of a knowledge management system for projects that incorporates gaming mechanisms in order to increase users’ intentions to document and share project knowledge in organizations.