ePROBE: Benchmarking of Service-Processes in the Utilities Industry
German utilities and Stadtwerke experience increasing cost pressure: Increasing competition, challenges in the energy transition as well as efficiency requirements from the regulating agency lead to increasing awareness for process efficiency.
service-level-agreements (SLA) between billing service providers – internally
or externally – and sales organizations or distribution system operators (DSO)
only allow to differentiate between customer- or product groups in few cases.
Here utilities face
the following question: What are current market-standards for service level
agreements in the German utilities industry?
The research group
Information System and Service Design of Prof. Mädche at the Institute for
Enterprise Systems (InES), University of
Mannheim and the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) at Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT) start a benchmark to systematically collect KPIs
that are defined as SLAs. Furthermore an
online-tool allows participants to interactively compare their values against
the other participants.
Business processes are
classified using the BEMD Standard Service Catalog for Service and Billing
Processes in the Energy Sector (Link) that was
developed by the German Association of Energy Service
Providers (BEMD).
Companies benefit from
participation in the benchmark in various ways:
- - Benchmark
of a single business process within 10 minutes.
- - Benchmark
of all business processes within the company.
- - Comparison
within and across market roles.
- - Comparison
of implemented IT-solutions along the dimension efficiency/standardization and
- - Interactive
and comprehensive benchmark report.
- - Free-of-charge,
anonymized and scientifically grounded.
Interested in
Participating? Request access for your company today.
In case of questions
feel free to contact us.
Your Contacts:
Carl Heckmann Institute for Enterprise
Systems University of Mannheim
E-Mail: heckmann ∂ es uni-mannheim de Phone: +49 721 608-41585 |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT) and Institute for Enterprise Systems, University of Mannheim
alexander maedche ∂ kit edu |