Seminar Digital Citizen Science

  • Type: Seminar (S)
  • Semester: WS 20/21
  • Lecturer:

    Prof. Mädche (IISM), Prof. Nieken (IBU), Prof. Scheibehenne (IISM), Prof. Szech (ECON), Prof. Volkamer (AIFB), Prof. Weinhardt (IISM), and Prof. Woll (IfSS)

  • ECTS: 3
  • Information:

Digital Citizen Science is an innovative approach to conduct field research - interactively and in the real world. Especially in times of social distancing measures essential questions about how private lives are changing are investigated. Who is experiencing more stress during Home-Office hours? Who is flourishing while learning at home because flow is experienced more often? Which formats of digital cooperation are fostering social contacts and bonding? These and other questions that target the main topic Wellbeing @Home are focused in these seminar projects.

The seminar theses are interdisciplinary supervised by researchers from multiple institutes that are working together on the topic of Digital Citizen Science. Involved are the research groups of Prof. Mädche (IISM), Prof. Nieken (IBU), Prof. Scheibehenne (IISM), Prof. Szech (ECON), Prof. Volkamer (AIFB), Prof. Weinhardt (IISM), and Prof. Woll (IfSS).