Good design feedback on software requires the feedback provider to understand the context of use. To allow crowdworkers to be in a real context of use when providing design feedback in the form of paid microtasks, we designed the CrowdSurfer. The CrowdSurfer is a Chrome extension that enables crowdworkers to provide design feedback on websites during their everyday internet usage in return for a small financial reward.
We evaluated the CrowdSurfer in a 7-day field study with artificial feedback tasks. Our evaluation showed that while the feedback provided via the CrowdSurfer is not necessarily better, it is more real and reliable. At the same time, crowdworkers enjoyed the interaction with the CrowdSurfer and
Appreciated the possibility to solve tasks during their everyday internet surfing. Future work could explore in more detail how the CrowdSurfer impacts the resulting feedback quality and iterate the CrowdSurfer design to offer, for example, writing support to crowdworkers when they type their feedback.