On July 21st, 2017, five teams of the lecture “Practical Seminar: Interactive Analytics” presented the results of their final project in the KD2Lab at KIT. The practical seminar is carried out in cooperation between TECO /Chair of Pervasive Computing Systems (Prof. Beigl) and the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM, Prof. Mädche) and KPMG AG as part of the Business Intelligence & Analytics Lab (BIAL) joint project .
In this practical seminar students worked with real-world data and dashboard design provided by KPMG, suggested creative design solutions, implemented and evaluated the interactive analytics prototypes by focusing on BI&A dashboards. The interaction part of projects was conducted by using eye-tracking technologies (IISM Projects) and tactile feedback (TECO projects) and students developed and analyzed innovative interactive BI&A dashboards based on these two technologies. Moreover, they worked in interdisciplinary mixed groups consisting of computer science, information engineering & management and industrial engineering & management bachelor students, which helped them to investigate the challenge from different points of view.
The results of the students were well received and interesting and constructive discussions were triggered during the final presentations.